Identifying a career path is a gift that supports the person you long to be.

“When we do effective visioning, we’re moving toward the future we want, not just reacting to a present-day reality we don’t like…. Having a vision makes decisions much easier: The only opportunities even worth considering are those that are going to help us attain our vision ….Life is short, and time spent agonizing over opportunities that seem too good to pass up but aren’t going to help us get where we really want to go is, in my opinion, time wasted. I’d prefer to spend my time working toward the future I’ve chosen to create.”
— Ari Weinzweig, co-founder and CEO of Zingerman's Community of Businesses in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Mark Twain said that "Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions."  Finding work that is energizing, meaningful, and a good fit for you is an essential element of leading a balanced life that meets your needs. My goal is to help individuals who are unclear about the direction they want to take in their career to find direction and a path that fits them. This website offers several options based on how much interaction you want and whether or not you wish to formally assess your natural abilities.


Time For Change

Throughout our life, we arrive at turning points where we feel ready for change.

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Career Coaching Packages

Ready to take the next step? Here are some options:

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